Vitamin D - A Brief Introduction

Vitamin D belongs to the group of fat-soluble vitamins. The two important forms of Vitamin D are vitamin D2 or ergocalciferol - the plant source of vitamin D - and vitamin D3 also reffered as cholecalciferol. Vitamin D3 is produced in the skin when the skin is exposed to the sun - when the light energy is absorbed by it. If an individual is exposed adequately to sunlight there is no further need for Vitamin D in the form of supplements. Natural food sources might not typically have the sufficient amount of Vitamin D and so a conscious consumption of Vitamin D rich foods and deliberate exposure of the skin to sunlight is required to prevent possible deficiencies.

Vit D Supplement

Some of the benefits of Vitamin D are:

Vit D Supplement

- Whether Vitamin D is acquired from the sunlight or from the food sources, sufficient supply of Vitamin D is essential to maintain strong and healthy bones and joints since vitamin D helps retain and absorb calcium. It's been proven that people who ensure a sufficient and regular intake of Vitamin D are less likely to develop osteoporosis and joint pains.

- It is found to be highly beneficial in slowing down and lessening the effects of arthritis and reducing backache.

- Research conducted towards the advantages of Vitamin D has shown that it can be helpful in preventing certain types of cancers.

Apart from the regulated exposure to sunlight, other sources that can provide a good amount of vitamin D are herring, mackerel, salmon, oysters, cottage cheese, egg yolk, fortified soy beverages, etc. Vitamins A, C and E protect the vitamin D.

Vitamin D - A Brief Introduction
Vit D Supplement

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